Business Approach

Our approach is a simple, yet detailed, three-step process.

Woodstone Energy employs a systematic approach to identify site-specific project opportunities. This gives our clients a progressive way to make decisions and understand specific details about the project and how the long-term plan will benefit both the corporation and its various manufacturing sites.

Step One: The Feasibility Study

The Feasibility Study is our first look at the industrial site to determine project opportunities. Depending on the size of the facility, it will take two to four days to conduct the study, which delivers 70 percent cost and savings opportunity for the site.

Step One deliverables include a feasibility study and individual project definition reports. Each report outlines:


  • Project rational and objectives
  • Investment and savings
  • Cost to move to the Development Phase

Step Two: The Development Phase

The Development Phase kicks off with the client choosing which projects to move into detailed engineering. This is where we guarantee the overall cost and savings of your selected projects. During this phase, we deliver a turnkey proposal with fixed cost and savings based on a mutually agreed to project scope.

Woodstone Energy requests bids from your local contractors and equipment manufacturers and reviews them with your staff. We also establish a current baseline of each specific system and determine how to verify project savings upon completion.

Step Three: The Implementation Phase

The Implementation Phase starts with the client providing funding based on Woodstone’s costing of the total turnkey price and implementation of the project. Then we manage the overall project cost and savings. If we do not meet our projections, we cover any excess costs.


At the end of the Implementation Phase, we measure the system and verify the project savings established during the Development Phase.

The Woodstone Energy business model is designed to work across a variety of industries and market solutions. Click here to see details.